Courtesy of Dr. JC Komorowski © Dr. JC Komorowski-IPGP
Published in 2004 in Komorowski et al., Acta Volcanologica, vol. 14 (1-2)
(2002), 15 (1-2) (2003), pp. 27-62 E-mail: Institut
de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) Laboratoire de Physique des Géomatériaux
- CNRS UMR 7046 4, Place Jussieu, B 89 75252 PARIS Cedex 05 - FRANCE |
General vocanic and seismo-tectonic map of North Kivu and the volcanic zone of
the Virungas ; main faults of the normal rift : Bellon & Pouclet (1980), Ebinger
(1989a, 1989b) et Kasahara et al. (1992); épicentres et magnitudes: USGS
National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) and data from the CRSN and GVO (Goma,
RDC). C. Extract of an ETM+Landsat map of the volcanic area of the Virungas, showing
the lava flows of Nyamulagira and Nyiragongo in 2002. |
| | | Synthesised
map of chronology, eruptive products and the phenomena associated with the lateral
eruption of Nyiragongo, January 2002. |
| | Various
aspects of the texture and the morphology of the eruption of Nyiragongo. Photos
© : A, B, C, D, E : P. Papale, F, G : P. Baxter; H, I, J: JC. Komorowski |
| | Impact
of lava flow in 2002 in the town of Goma. (Photo A © Kasereka M./OVG/CRSN;
Photos B, C, E-H , 23 - 30 January 2002, © JC Komorowski/IPGP). D. High definition
Ikonos satellite image of 8 February 2002. |
| | Shots
of the interior of the Nyiragongo crater and the lava lake (January - February
2003) |
| | Overall
view of the emissive fractures of tectonic origin : high definition images of
the Ikonos satellite (A, B ) et Landsat EMT + (C ) ; photo of the main fissure
(D) and view from helicopter (E), © JC Komorowski/IPGP. |
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