Kivu lakeMethane
Gas Extraction
Putting methane
to work
Natural hazards


Courtesy of Dr. JC Komorowski

© Dr. JC Komorowski-IPGP
Published in 2004 in Komorowski et al., Acta Volcanologica, vol. 14 (1-2) (2002), 15 (1-2) (2003), pp. 27-62
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
Laboratoire de Physique des Géomatériaux - CNRS UMR 7046

4, Place Jussieu, B 89
75252 PARIS Cedex 05 - FRANCE


B. General vocanic and seismo-tectonic map of North Kivu and the volcanic zone of the Virungas ; main faults of the normal rift : Bellon & Pouclet (1980), Ebinger (1989a, 1989b) et Kasahara et al. (1992); épicentres et magnitudes: USGS National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) and data from the CRSN and GVO (Goma, RDC). C. Extract of an ETM+Landsat map of the volcanic area of the Virungas, showing the lava flows of Nyamulagira and Nyiragongo in 2002.



Synthesised map of chronology, eruptive products and the phenomena associated with the lateral eruption of Nyiragongo, January 2002.

Various aspects of the texture and the morphology of the eruption of Nyiragongo. Photos © : A, B, C, D, E : P. Papale, F, G : P. Baxter; H, I, J: JC. Komorowski



Impact of lava flow in 2002 in the town of Goma. (Photo A © Kasereka M./OVG/CRSN; Photos B, C, E-H , 23 - 30 January 2002, © JC Komorowski/IPGP). D. High definition Ikonos satellite image of 8 February 2002.


Shots of the interior of the Nyiragongo crater and the lava lake (January - February 2003)


Overall view of the emissive fractures of tectonic origin : high definition images of the Ikonos satellite (A, B ) et Landsat EMT + (C ) ; photo of the main fissure (D) and view from helicopter (E), © JC Komorowski/IPGP.