Physico-chemical study of lake kivu
Origins of methane gasWaters structureConductivity measurementsDissolved gas concentration (CH4, CO2)Density contour of the waterHydrogen sulphide contentMeasurement field trip : Contrat ECHO 2002Publications
Methane Gas Extraction
The ex-solution and auto-siphon phenomenon The Cape Ribona pilot station Working principle of the pilot station Comparison of different methods envisagedDiagram of the entire extraction plant Description of the column Washing Command and control system of the column Deployment of the column Objectives and productivity European union contract. Results of the campaign of 2002
Rwanda's energy supply problemEvaluation of methane gas depositSupply to the Bralirwa brewery Supply by gas pipeline to the Cimerwa cementworksProblem of electricitySupplying the Pfunda tea factory Road transport of compressed gasMethane as vehicle motor fuelChemical applicationsOther applications being studied
Natural hazards
Hazard of gas explosion Valuation of hazardThe Lake Nyos Gas Explosion, cameroon 1986After the 2002 eruption of Nyiragongo Volcanic risks and the nyiragongo volcano The eruption of the 17th january 2002 Pictures of the eruptionMeasurement field trip : ECHO contractMission CONCORDE 2002
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